Regarding the North Korean artillery fire announced by the South Korean military on the 6th, North Korea claimed that it was a deceptive operation that detonated explosives to disguise artillery fire.
The South Korean military has demanded that North Korea stop military activities that increase tensions, saying that it was aimed at probing the detection capabilities of the South Korean side.

The South Korean military said that North Korean forces fired more than 6 shells from the northwest of South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow Sea on the western side of the Korean Peninsula on the 60th.

Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, released a statement on the 7th through the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

In this, the shelling announced by the South Korean military was 'explosive detonated 60 times to disguise artillery fire,' and 'not a single shell was flown in the sea area near the maritime boundary set by the UN forces.'

And it said that "it was a deceptive operation to probe the detection ability of the Republic of Korean military."

The South Korean military's Joint Chiefs of Staff condemned North Korea, saying, "This is nothing more than low-level psychological warfare against our military's detection capabilities, and we strongly urge North Korea to immediately stop military activities that increase tensions."

On the other hand, the South Korean military announced that the North Korean army fired more than 1 shells on the north side of Yongpyeong Island from around 7 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the 5th, and is increasing vigilance for the movement of the North Korean army.